We are proud to announce that our charity is now eligible for the AmazonSmile program. AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com) offers almost all of the same items, prices, and benefits of its sister website, Amazon.com, but with one distinct difference. When using the AmazonSmile link (smile.amazon.com) for all your purchases on Amazon, the AmazonSmile Foundation contributes 0.5% of eligible purchases to your designated charity.
This is a simple 2-step process:
1) Designate your favorite charity. To designate us, simply click on the box below or visit https://smile.amazon.com/ch/84-2861777.
2) Bookmark smile.amazon.com and use it for all your Amazon shopping. AmazonSmile will remember your charity and apply eligible purchases towards your total contribution.
It is that easy!
Learn more about our participation in the AmazonSmile program…
Always remember to shop on Amazon by typing “smile.amazon.com“!